Traditonal and Complementary Medicine Department Strategy

Traditional and Complementary Medicine Department Strategy
As it is mentioned in the final report of the CAMbrella project which the 2014-2023 Traditional Medicine Strategy of the World Health Organization and the European Parliament support and with which traditional and complementary medicine practices are searched, though there are many differences on a country basis  or on a regional basis, because of the various reasons such as increase in the demand for health service; being more informed and in connection with this, being more aware of the available choices; increase in the dissatisfaction with the available health services and livening up of the interest in integrated healthcare and prevention of the diseases, which are more associated with the Traditional and Complementary Medicine (TCM), people prefer TCM. In this regard,  related to the the below-mentioned issues:

-          Constituting a country profile for identifying and investigating the implementations and implementers of the Traditional and Complementary Medicine (TCM),

-          Developing policies and practices related to the Traditional and Complementary Medicine (TCM),

-          Strengthening of producing knowledge, cooperation, and sustainable usage of the resources of the Traditional and Complementary Medicine (TCM),

-          Developing national regulations including registration for the products of the Traditional and Complementary Medicine TCM) and implementing them, 

-          Strengthening of the quality monitoring of the therapies of the Traditional and Complementary Medicine Practices (TCM),

-          Developing technical guidances and techniques for assessing the safety, advantages and quality of the Traditional and Complementary Medicine (TCM),

-          Improving standards for the products, implementations and implementers by our Department, 

-          Existance of training programmes, benchmarks and practicing capacities for the TCM  implementers,

-         Increase in the safe and effective usage of the TCM,

-         Integration of the TCM into the health system,

-         Improving the TCM services access to these services,


-       Improving the communication among the conventional medicine implementers, professional societies and TCM implementers, 

-       Increasing in the awareness of the appropriate use of the TCM and providing access to the knowledge related to the subject,

-       Taking the progression of the communication between conventional medicine implementers and patients into consideration,

-       Improving standards for the training of the service providers of the evidence-based traditional and complementary medicine practices,

-          Determining the clinical quality standards related to the evidence-based traditional and complementary medicine practices,

-          Designing necessary evidence-based programs for the service providers of the Traditional and complementary medicine practices

are proposed.


            Kindly submitted for your information.